Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Permanent Hair Removal

The most efficient way to achieve at this time is by going in to have laser hair removal done. Although a single treatment usually can’t remove 100% of your unwanted hair for life, multiple treatments can get you well on your way. This of course will depend solely on the thickness and sometimes color of your hair, but can be extremely effective.
An additional option for achieving is Electrolysis. This is a very difficult procedure, but if performed correctly it can also remove hair permanently. Electrolysis is achieved by inserting a very thin, metal probe into the hair follicle. The professional will then deliver an electric shock into the follicle that will burn and destroy its ability to produce hair.
There is also a version of electrolysis that you can do from home with a machine that can be purchased. Most people don’t have the precision necessary to do this type of procedure, so unless you have surgeon hands we wouldn’t recommend wasting your time. You might save a little money, but you won’t get the same results and could end up damaging your skin. Home electrolysis is obviously risky and for this reason, we wouldn’t and couldn’t recommend it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Newport Beach Laser Hair Removal

Newport Beach laser hair removal is obviously intended for people that live in the Newport Beach area. There are a lot of options for hair removal in Newport, and so you will want to take a good look at a lot of different centers before you make your final decision.
One of the many options out there is the American Laser Centers. All of the work done by the American Laser Centers is overseen by a certified physician and is performed by a certified technician. There are, of course, lots of other options that you should look into if you plan on having performed any time soon.
We would highly recommend consulting with as many doctors as possible before making a decision on a center in Newport Beach.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Facial Hair Removal

Facial Hair Removal is very much like other types of laser hair removal, except obviously much care needs to be taken to ensure that no mistakes are made. A mistake during the process could be very costly because any subsequent scarring would be quite visible.
Now there are of course a lot of different options available for . There are creams that will remove facial hair temporarily, and there are also options for permanently removing facial hair. Creams like VANIQA that are supposed to slow down the growth process, making it possible to shave less frequently, and there are also laser hair removal procedures that can work for some people.
Laser is another option that is quite permanent once enough treatments have been performed. Laser hair removal is more effective than electrolysis and is also less costly so if you are wanting to go the permanent route we would highly recommend using the laser.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

What is ?
Well, is a process that involves burning the hair follicle with a laser to halt its ability to produce hair. The entire process doesn’t really take that much time, but usually multiple treatments will be required in order to be 100% effective.
When a skilled technician performs , he will take extreme caution. He will have to leave the laser on each hair just long enough to produce enough heat to make the hair stop growing, while not leaving in there too long. If a technician left the laser on the hair for too long, it can damage the underlying skin. This would cause problems with the skin’s pigmentation and growth process.
Since the process is quite tricky, experience will make a huge difference in a doctor/technician’s ability to remove unwanted hair properly without doing unnecessary damage. Hopefully you can see why it would be extremely unwise to go to a technician that had little experience.
Normally when hair removal treatment is performed with a laser, three to five treatments will be required to get it right. The exact amount will depend heavily on the thickness and color of the patient’s hair. There will be times when some maintenance will be required, and this will of course vary wildly from person to person.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

There are literally thousands of people that use laser hair removal every year to get rid of unwanted hair. Usually people are using the technique to rid themselves of either unwanted body or facial hair. The laser procedure uses state of the art technology to damage the hair follicle, ruining its ability to produce hair.
There are quite a few who claim that laser hair removal is the ultimate way to rid the body of unwanted hair. Is that the truth? Is laser hair removal really permanent? Do the advertisements we see every day portray accurately this procedure?
How Laser Hair Removal Works
The laser hair removal process focuses directly on the delivery of high energy light into the skin. This process is performed by a professional using a hand-held instrument. The laser is quite intense, and because of this property the hair follicle is damaged by it. This will usually either slow or eliminate the follicle’s ability to produce hair. Since the skin is much tougher than the hair follicle, the procedure does not do any damage to the skin.
Who Can Be Treated With Laser Hair Removal?
Individuals with a darker hair color are usually more responsive to laser hair removal. Additionally, people with a lighter skin color also do better with the procedure. That said, during the last few years the procedure has been improved so that it works better than it used to on individuals with darker skin.
Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?
In most cases, the devices used to perform this procedure have been deemed safe by the FDA. That means if you run into trouble because of the safety of one of these devices, go ahead and sue the FDA.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Does Laser Hair Removal Work in All Cases?

As hair removal methods go, laser hair removal is one of the best. It works on large areas of skin very quickly and following a course of treatment it usually results in a permanent reduction in hair growth. But there are varying results for different people whereas with a process like electrolysis you know that whatever your skin or hair type you will achieve permanent hair removal in every case.
In the past laser hair treatment was not always effective and there were many stories of disappointment with the process. Now we are wiser and know that not all hair will be destroyed completely so our expectations are more realistic and with the latest laser hair removal equipment most people achieve such a reduction in hair growth that they are happy with the results and usually go on to have other areas of their bodies treated.
Still, it has to be said that laser hair removal treatments are not suitable for everyone. If you have fair hair (including blond, red or gray) it will not work for you. It will not work even if you dye your hair as it is the pigment at the root of the hair which the laser attacks.
It will also be less effective for you if you have dark skin. Although there are new laser hair removal machines which can work in these cases, it is still more difficult to attack the pigment in the hair with sufficient power without affecting the pigment in the skin so it may take longer and result in less hair being permanently removed. Even sunbathing can reduce effectiveness, so it is better to stay “pale and interesting” if you are about to embark on a course of treatment and you should be given instructions about this at your first consultation.
If your hair or skin color make treatment difficult, at least you will know this in advance and you may be advised against laser hair removal treatment by the clinic at your first appointment. At least the better clinics will do that. Always ask about success rates for people with your particular coloring before you sign up for treatment. The cost of laser hair removal is far from trivial and you don’t want to waste your money.
There will also be a few cases where the hair is not as affected by the laser as you would like. You will not know about this before you have treatment and see how your particular skin and hair react. You just have to hope you do not fall into that category. In any case, you are likely to experience significant unwanted hair reduction so it is usually still worthwhile.

Underarm Hair Removal for Men

Thirty years ago men would not have given a thought to removing hair from under their arms. These days, however, men are practicing hair removal from many parts of their bodies and with more and more bare backs and chests in particular appearing on the scene then the subject is likely to come up.
Celebrities and male models are generally the ones who start a trend. They were the ones who first posed with smooth chests and we could see that chest hair removal might be worth the effort if you had a great body to show off. With no hair to mask the body contours, there was nothing to prevent our full admiration of their pectoral muscles!
Men who were out of the public eye then began to follow suit. They went on to remove hair from backs and shoulders as well as chests and sometimes legs. Even now among celebrities, however, complete underarm hair removal is not the norm. In some ways, perhaps men feel that they need to mark themselves out as different to women to emphasize their maleness.
If complete removal of the hair from under the arms is not usual in men, that is not to say that the area cannot be “tidied up”. If hair is left to grow naturally then it can get quite long and unsightly. No one really wants a long beard growing from their arm pits and certainly not poking out from a sleeveless t-shirt when they are trying to show off their biceps.
All the underarm hair really needs is trimming with scissors so that it is not so long and obvious. This is just a case of grooming rather than removal and it helps with cleanliness and hygiene as there is less hair to trap bacteria.
It can be a little awkward to reach the area so cut the hair in front of a mirror so that you can see what you are doing. Cut a little at a time so that you can see the effects before cutting more. You do not want to cut the hair so short that it just looks like you have regrowth from shaving rather than a neatly trimmed underarm area.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Laser Hair Removal at Home for the Face

Laser hair removal at home for the face sounds like a great idea. If you can zap away your unwanted facial hair in an instant, why not? However, there is a problem. Lately I have had a few people ask me for reviews or advice about different products they could use, but I have to say that there is not one home laser system I can recommend at the moment for face hair removal.
I don’t have a problem with home laser hair removal machines in principle. There are some which work well. It is using them as a facial hair remover I have a problem with. In fact, I don’t think that laser hair removal at home should be practiced anywhere near the face. It is too dangerous to use a laser or even IPL hair removal machine anywhere near your eyes unless you know what you are doing. Most of the systems which actually work, do not recommend it, in any case.
But I suppose my main objection is that I don’t think laser hair removal for the face is the best method so why try it at home? Why not try the method which works for everyone and which is permanent? Every hair gone for good has to be the aim, surely? Whereas a bit of regrowth does not matter too much on your legs, it certainly does on your face.
Surely it is better to use a machine for home electrolysis such as the One Touch, which is safe for the face and which will give one hundred percent permanent hair removal than laser hair removal machines which are not safe for the face and which can’t promise full destruction of the hair?
If you want to buy a laser machine such as the Silk’n for your legs, arms, chest or back then go ahead but don’t plan on using it anywhere on your face. If you want to try laser hair removal on your face, book some treatments at a clinic. Better yet, get professional electrolysis. Just don’t take the risk with home hair removal.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

One Touch Electrolysis

One Touch electrolysis systems have been around for years yet there has been very little true competition for these low cost little kits as far as permanent hair removal at home is concerned. That is not to say they are perfect, but if you want to be able to remove hair permanently in the comfort of you own home, they may be exactly what you need.
For example, just one review of the One Touch will tell you what a wonderful innovation they have been for some struggling with unwanted hair:-
“I love this product. It works so well. Yes it is tedious, and there is a little discomfort, but it’s no more painful than plucking and you don’t have to shave ever again (which I used to do every other day). It’s the best thing and I don’t know how I lived without it.”
To help you make up your mind, read on for more information about the One Touch as well as potential alternative offerings.
Laser hair removal has been much more popular than electrolysis in recent years as far as professional hair removal is concerned. That is mainly because it is less painful (although not pain free) and much faster (especially important when dealing with larger areas of the body). However, electrolysis remains the only method that can guarantee permanent hair removal for everyone as laser treatment is less effective for those with dark skin and not effective at all for those with fair, red or gray hair and it often results in only permanent hair reduction rather than removal for others. You can buy laser hair removal machines for use at home but you will have the same limitations and the machines are not approved for facial hair removal either so you have yet another restriction.

Laser Hair Removal Photos : What You Need to Know

If you’re looking for laser hair removal photos to be reassured about the effects of having expensive laser treatment before you go ahead, then there are a few things you need to know.
First of all, you’ll find plenty of laser hair removal images around. Every clinic with a web site has pictures, but you won’t see the ugly truth, just the good side. That’s quite obvious when you think about it. No business displays unhappy clients and failed results (or wants to show that you have to be patient and wait for months to achieve results). Although you will often see verifiable before and after pictures from laser hair removal procedures carried out at that particular laser hair removal clinic, you will rarely see the in between stages with regrowth in all its glory. For that you would need a week by week diary and a willing participant like this.
From the hair removal clinics you will always get pictures of smiling models or attractive medics on the front page, who may never have been near laser equipment, but the suggestion in the photos is that you will look just as good after treatment.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Laser Clinic : Good or Bad?

If you are weighing up whether to use a particular laser clinic or you are trying to decide between one particular hair removal treatment center and another, you need to know which criteria to use to judge the particular clinic or clinics you are looking at. Here are the good and bad signs I would look for in making my mind up.
Bad Signs for a Laser Hair Removal Clinic
The clinic puts you through a slick selling process without giving you time to consider your optionsThe consultant does not explain exactly what you can expect before, during and after treatment.There is no mention of pain levels or the pain relief options to combat them.They do not explain how your skin and hair color might influence the success of the treatment (Be especially wary if you have dark skin or fair, red or gray hair, and this is not discussed.You are not told the exact cost of laser hair removal sessions or the likely price of a full course of treatment.There is too much emphasis on getting you to sign up for a payment plan if the treatment is not affordable.Cheap laser hair removal advertised by the clinic suddenly becomes expensive when all the extras are included.There is no guarantee offered so that you could end up spending thousands and being no better off.Any signs that the laser clinic is in need of maintenance or that any aspect of hygiene is lacking should make you think twice. Peeling paint may not affect your treatment but it is a sign of sloppiness you are best to avoid.
Good Signs
Of course, you can just look for the opposite of the bad signs, but here are a few more things to look out for.
The clinic uses state of the art laser hair removal equipment and they explain why the particular equipment is best for your skin and hair.You feel at ease with the consultant and not under any pressure to sign up for a course of laser hair treatment. You have all the time you need to make your decision.After you have seen the consultant you are fairly confident you know what you will experience and the type of results you might get (best and worst scenario).You are clear about laser treatment prices and any payment plans offered have a sensible rate of interest.You are happy with the appointment times and the ease of getting to the clinic.You have a good feeling in your gut about the place. Sometimes instinct is the best way to judge, all things being equal.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Guide to Plucking Facial Hair

Plucking means removing hair with tweezers and is therefore sometimes called “tweezing”. It is generally used on individual hairs on the face, particularly the eyebrows and it is also a quick and easy solution to getting rid of the odd stray hair from the chin and other facial areas. Plucking facial hair is easy to do. It is accurate as you are dealing with each hair individually and you can do it anytime, anywhere without making an appointment or doing a lot of preparation. You see a hair growing in the wrong place and can immediately deal with it – it’s gone in a flash! It is also great to get rid of any odd hairs left behind by other hair removal methods.
How to Pluck Facial Hair?
There is really no mystery to plucking.
First of all you need a good pair of precision tweezers with slanted or pointed ends, like those below by Tweezerman, the company which is widely recognized to have the best tweezers (i.e. the easiest to use) on the market.Make sure you work in a well-lit room and have a good mirror. A lighted magnifying makeup mirror like this one by Conair helps enormously and it means you don’t need full daylight to pluck out hair! Wash and exfoliate the area where you are going to be plucking and make sure that the pores are open. The easiest way to do this is to pluck right after a shower. Make sure the tweezers are clean by using rubbing alcohol or other antiseptic on themGrab each individual hair as close as possible to the skin and pull in the direction of hair growth. Wipe over the area where you have been plucking with a skin-friendly antiseptic lotion afterwards.

Body Hair Removal Pills

Body hair can be deemed sexy if you are Tom Selleck and his maverick mustache or it it can cause huge annoyance and misery. Some men like their body hair, others want rid of it and prefer a smooth look but for women, it can be very hard to live with and many women say too much body hair makes them feel like a freak.
Surveys have shown that up to 80% of women, due to excessive hormones caused by anything from an overactive pituitary gland to the ovary over working, are affected by excess hair and hirsutism (the excess growth of body hair on women) in unwanted areas of the body is a real issue for some.
There are a number of ways to treat this problem and one of those is a pill treatment. Despite laser treatment and electrolysis being available, everyone knows that these process are painful to a certain extent and in the case of electrolysis, it can take a painfully long time too.
Many women would prefer just to swallow body hair removal pills and be done with it. A magic pill like that would just be more convenient and a potentially cheaper method of treatment. However, there are a lot of rumors about pill treatments. Are they a myth or are they magic?
There are really just a few body hair pill treatments that are worth looking at.
Hormonal Treatment
ll the treatments which have an effect on body hair are hormonal and as such you need to take the pills under medical supervision. Never buy anything from the Internet or through mail order as you do not know what the product will do to you or how it will affect other medical conditions you have or treatments you are using.
Hormone treatment can help to slow down hair growth or stop it altogether but would generally only be given where growth is badly affecting the patient. Also hormone treatment will not actually work for hair removal. You have to remove it by the usual hair removal methods until the hormones take effect. Hormones take 6-12 months to have a full effect on thinning of the hair.
Oral Contraceptive
The birth control pill can help to affect the hormonal production in the body. It is best to choose one that can deal with hirsutism directly such as ones that contain an anti-androgenic progesterone and estrogen e.g. drospirenone or cyproterone. The side effects may be quite harsh so they are not to everyone’s liking.
You could take a dose of 50-100mg of this on a daily basis to reduce hair growth and it can be combined with the oral contraceptive pill to get better results. Again, you are at risk of side effects so always consult a qualified medical practitioner.
Although are out there and available, they are not suited for everyone. If you have a real problem however, it is worth asking your doctor about whether these would be effective in your case. Just don’t treat yourself with any old junk. If you buy hair removal pills online or from ads that promise miracles “or your money back” you only have yourself to blame if things go wrong and you risk much more than your money.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Conair Hair Removal System

The Conair Hair Removal system is a pain free hair removal device, which works without mess or fuss on dry skin. The idea is that you remove hair at the surface of the skin using the gentle friction of revolving Conair hair removal pads. For many, it is a much better method of removing hair than shaving and it works just as quickly.
To use the machine, you attach an exfoliating pad to the head of the machine, then switch it on so that the pad revolves. Then you run the moving pad gently and lightly over your skin so that the hair is literally rubbed away. It is a similar action to the friction mitts which have been on the market for decades. What’s interesting is that you can buy this hair removal kit it in some places, for less than the mitts or even a burger! See below for the best deal.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Finding A Cosmetic Doctor Who You Can Trust

By Mark Walters

There are many considerations to keep in mind when hiring a cosmetic doctor. There are dangers involved in any surgery and cosmetic surgery shouldn't be taken lightly. You will want to choose a cosmetic doctor as carefully as you would choose any other doctor. As a candidate for cosmetic surgery you should take a good look at the following tips:

- When choosing a surgeon, find one that's associated with the Royal College of Surgeons. You will want to find a cosmetic surgeon who demonstrates the same standards of practice that you would expect from any excellent surgeon or doctor. The hospital you choose will follow these kinds of standards if it has strong NHS consultants.

- Cosmetic surgery decisions need to be made by the patient and no one else. Don't let yourself be talked into any procedures, by the surgeon or anyone else, that make you uncomfortable or you feel are not needed. If you need more time to think about something then take it. No reputable surgeon will put pressure on you.

- Don't make upfront payments after before having a full and thorough consultation. You don't want to feel obligated to do anything because you have already committed your money.

- Before you schedule surgery, consider where the surgeon's office is. Is it convenient to your home? If not, have you lined up places to stay after your surgery and someone to help you out while you recover? Will you be able to get to the surgeon's office quickly if you have any problem or emergency after surgery?

- Talk to your general practitioner before deciding on cosmetic procedures. He or she will have your best interests in mind.

- Although a doctor may call him or herself a cosmetic surgeon, and claim, rightfully, that they have specialist training and are on the Specialist Register, it does not mean that this doctor has had specialist training in cosmetic surgery. He or she could have specialist training in any medical field.

That might seem like a lot to take in and follow through with, but it is really is essential that you do so. You should never take any risks where your health is concerned, even if you think that the procedure that you what done is risk free. The vast majority of cosmetic doctors you can have total faith in, but the disreputable ones mixed in amongst the good ones, mean that you do have to keep your guard up.

About the Author:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Unwanted Body Hair Can Be A Big Problem

With all the talk about curing hair-loss, analysts appear to have forgotten the opposite problem – too much body hair. Body hair isn’t an agreeable sight to see, particularly for females. So to dump the unwelcome body hair and make the personality more engaging girls typically use various means for hair removal.
I can say that today even men are very interested in removing their body hair like hair from chest and arms. Clean shaven look is preferred by most of the females so men are similarly paying the notice to build their personality to attract the opposite sex.
Remove Body Hair with Ultra Hair Away (Is Ultra Hair Away Permanent ?)
This is one hair removal product that’s so successful and preferred among people who now it is being called as hair loss in a bottle!
It is a clear, odorless topical solution that, when applied immediately after removal of unwanted hair saturates the exposed base of the hair follicle and starts the method of slowing down hair growth.
Not only does it slow growth, but over time it also changes the first dark thick, coarse unwanted hair to softer, smaller, finer, lighter hair which will eventually resemble the hair you once had as a baby.
It’s completely natural hair inhibitor solution that works by mimicking the method that causes baldness.It does not possess any side effects – apart from slowed growth with softer skin. It works equally well on girls and men and slows hair growth on legs, arms, face, higher lip, back shoulders, stomach, underarms and bikini lines.