Plucking means removing hair with tweezers and is therefore sometimes called “tweezing”. It is generally used on individual hairs on the face, particularly the eyebrows and it is also a quick and easy solution to getting rid of the odd stray hair from the chin and other facial areas. Plucking facial hair is easy to do. It is accurate as you are dealing with each hair individually and you can do it anytime, anywhere without making an appointment or doing a lot of preparation. You see a hair growing in the wrong place and can immediately deal with it – it’s gone in a flash! It is also great to get rid of any odd hairs left behind by other hair removal methods.
How to Pluck Facial Hair?
There is really no mystery to plucking.
First of all you need a good pair of precision tweezers with slanted or pointed ends, like those below by Tweezerman, the company which is widely recognized to have the best tweezers (i.e. the easiest to use) on the market.Make sure you work in a well-lit room and have a good mirror. A lighted magnifying makeup mirror like this one by Conair helps enormously and it means you don’t need full daylight to pluck out hair! Wash and exfoliate the area where you are going to be plucking and make sure that the pores are open. The easiest way to do this is to pluck right after a shower. Make sure the tweezers are clean by using rubbing alcohol or other antiseptic on themGrab each individual hair as close as possible to the skin and pull in the direction of hair growth. Wipe over the area where you have been plucking with a skin-friendly antiseptic lotion afterwards.