Thirty years ago men would not have given a thought to removing hair from under their arms. These days, however, men are practicing hair removal from many parts of their bodies and with more and more bare backs and chests in particular appearing on the scene then the subject is likely to come up.
Celebrities and male models are generally the ones who start a trend. They were the ones who first posed with smooth chests and we could see that chest hair removal might be worth the effort if you had a great body to show off. With no hair to mask the body contours, there was nothing to prevent our full admiration of their pectoral muscles!
Men who were out of the public eye then began to follow suit. They went on to remove hair from backs and shoulders as well as chests and sometimes legs. Even now among celebrities, however, complete underarm hair removal is not the norm. In some ways, perhaps men feel that they need to mark themselves out as different to women to emphasize their maleness.
If complete removal of the hair from under the arms is not usual in men, that is not to say that the area cannot be “tidied up”. If hair is left to grow naturally then it can get quite long and unsightly. No one really wants a long beard growing from their arm pits and certainly not poking out from a sleeveless t-shirt when they are trying to show off their biceps.
All the underarm hair really needs is trimming with scissors so that it is not so long and obvious. This is just a case of grooming rather than removal and it helps with cleanliness and hygiene as there is less hair to trap bacteria.
It can be a little awkward to reach the area so cut the hair in front of a mirror so that you can see what you are doing. Cut a little at a time so that you can see the effects before cutting more. You do not want to cut the hair so short that it just looks like you have regrowth from shaving rather than a neatly trimmed underarm area.